
person about to serve the ball

The Mindset of the Most Legendary Athletes

What do the world’s top athletes have that other sportsmen and women do not have? As athletes, they all train hard and practice to perfection. But why is that only a very few reach legendary status in their chosen sport? The Tiger in the Woods Tiger Woods is one of the most popular and accomplished

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Eight Special Gift Ideas for Young Rugby Fans

Are your children passionate rugby fans, or just getting into the sport? The recent World Cup fever may have abated for casual fans, but this may be the perfect time for you to foster their interest in this great English game. It’s never too early for kids to get involved in outdoor play and physical

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the basketball game

How Athletes Overcome Hurdles Beyond The Game

Athletes always have to perform to the best of their capacity during their games. What some people do not know is athletes have hurdles they need to overcome beyond the games. These difficulties are related to their sports but many don’t see them. Physical Roadblocks Keeping a healthy body is hard work, which includes proper

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Basketball player about to do a layup

Entrepreneurship: Your Life After Sports

Aroldis Chapman of the Cincinnati Reds holds the record for the fastest pitch in baseball during a game. The radar gun clocked Chapman’s pitch at 105 mph against Andrew McCutchen of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Your arm is not as good as Chapman’s, and your career is also winding down. Retirement is just around the corner.

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Radar gun attached on a pole to get speed of passing cars

Radar Guns and Their Various Uses in Sports and Beyond

When we talk about radar guns, the first thing that comes to mind is fastball pitches that result in embarrassing strikes or cracking home runs. It is a gambit in baseball to throw a fastball, but having a strong arm that breaks 100mph is something to brag about. Anyone can make a tall tale on

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