Skiing for Your Next Trip? Here’s What you Need to Know to Stay Safe


If you’re planning a ski trip with friends or family, certain preparations come with it to ensure that not only would you have fun, but all of you would stay safe and secure. Skiing doesn’t just involve risks while you’re there.

And it’s vital to survey the area and do your research to make sure that the place you’re going to would be fit for all skiers involved in the trip. Apart from bringing your Giro Union Mips helmets along, you also need to check weather conditions, exercise and prepare other things before your trip.

Here are some ways on how you can make sure that your next ski trip would be fun-filled and safe at the same time.

Make sure you’re physically fit for skiing

Ski trips are usually prepared well way in advance, sometimes for over a year. You’ll have a better time skiing if you start exercising (if you haven’t been exercising anyway) once the dates are finalized for your ski trip.

Not only is exercising good for you in general, but you’ll be able to navigate through ascents easier, and your body won’t feel so sore after an afternoon’s worth of skiing. Remember, skiing would be using almost every muscle in your body, so make sure you get your cardio in and do a bit of weight lifting if it helps.

Always watch out for weather announcements

Since ski trips are usually planned ahead, make sure to set it in a season where there’s generally no weather disturbance in the area or the resort. As the dates lead closer to your trip, constantly check for weather conditions in the area to make sure you’re prepared in case it’ll get colder.

Stack up more clothes for extra warmth. There may be chances of rebooking if a hurricane strikes and that can’t be helped, but preparing for it intensely will make sure your stress levels during the trip won’t be spiking any time soon.

Wear clothes and equipment that’s right for your size

ski equipment

You need to make sure that everything fits: from your clothes to your goggles, to your giro union MIPS helmet, to your ski boots (most importantly). Some of the hazards you can avoid is trying to fix everything that’s on you while you’re skiing down a mountain.

If you can’t afford to buy your own equipment just yet, you can always rent at the ski shop (most resorts would have their own) and ask advice from the store owner which would be best for you.

Be honest with yourself, your group and your ski limits

As tempting as it is to try and impress other people with your ski skills, ski trips (unless you’re training for the Olympics) are more about having fun and spending time with your family and friends. It’s important to know what your ski level is and communicate that with your group or your ski instructor.

If some of your mates are more experienced than you are, that’s okay. It’s better to stay within your limit, rather than trying to keep up with everyone else and potentially entering a danger zone that’s beyond what you know or have experienced.

On your next ski trip, ensure that you make the necessary preparations and communicate what you know with your group. Skiing may be fun but can pose potential hazards if not adequately prepared for.

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