Have a Fun Staycation with These Tips

Girl with her back in the pool

A staycation is not actually what people expect when it comes to a vacation. For one, you and your family are at home instead of going on a trip. Many people think that staycations are pretty much just being at home lazing around. But staycations don’t need to be boring.

Here are a few tips on how to spice things up:

Create Fun

Being stuck at home doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself. There are dozens of way you can bring the fun into your home instead of going out. What about cornhole? It’s a nice little game that just needs space in your backyard. There’s some equipment necessary but there are dozens of cornhole sets for sale.

It’s not just games but also events at home. Have a movie night or something similar so that you can bring a smile to the faces of your family. Ask them what they want and try to deliver.

Explore Locally

The fact that you’re staying in town doesn’t mean you can’t explore. Look up the local sights and places of interest. There are always nice places to go to in town and tourist spots for out-of-towners. Be part of that crowd for a week to see some of the hidden gems of your town.

Museums and zoos are some of the best places to go locally. Bring a camera and makes some memories for your children to remember. Plus, these places often have fancy visitor packages that you might like to use for your staycation.

Another local tourist attraction would be the local sports team. Minor league games can attract a crowd and they can help you convince your kids to enjoy sports. There’s nothing like watching a baseball game with your own kid, a memory that they’ll be sure to remember.

Get Social

Being on vacation, why not hold a party? All you need is to send out invitations to friends and family. Fire up the barbecue frill and you can have an old-fashioned barbecue in the backyard. A potluck party would also be a good idea for your neighborhood.

This is a great way to get to know people and introduce your kids to others. Most of the time, people are limited to their family in this digital age so having RL friends is a good thing.

Go Offline

Your staycation is no staycation if you are not completely offline. Turn off the e-mail notification and try to ignore the feeling of missing something. It’s time to go cold turkey from an online interaction. This allows you to interact with your family more. Have your kids and spouse join you. No online chats until the end of the staycation so that they can fully enjoy it.

Get Fancy

Family in a ski trip

Sometimes, you just want to splurge some money. If you’ve got the cash, then your staycation can be at a local hotel with all the amenities like swimming pools and more. No need to prepare food or clean up after yourself. Book a room and remove a lot of your worries until the end of your staycation.

With the staycation ideas above, you should be able to enjoy a fun time without leaving your hometown or even your house. Make this vacation memorable for your family and take pictures of what happened.

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